This is what you really want -- examples of how to create your own
web site styles. These are done by creating a generator
class, which customizes not only style elements such as the
colors and the
corner icon, but also such elements as
the copyright
notice and what
RFC 2822-style
headers are recognized. Sorry, but
there's no really good documentation for how to do this yet, so UTSL.
Here are a list of generator classes I've included:
- SelfGenerator.py -- this is the generator class
for the ht2html documentation pages.
- PDOGenerator.py -- this is the generator
class for the
python.org site.
Almost all .html files on the site have a corresponding .ht file,
so you should be able to just delete the trailing ml from
the url to view it. Also look around for links.h files
which contain the sidebar links.
- BAWGenerator.py -- this is the generator for
my personal Web pages.
- JPyGenerator.py -- this was the generator for
the old JPython site, but I'm not sure if the same one is still used
for the new Jython site.
- JPyLocalGenerator.py -- this was the generator
for the documentation that comes with JPython. The neat thing
about this was that I can maintain one set of source .ht files for
both the on-line version of the docs, and the off-line version
that you can access via file: URLs once you've installed
JPython. This handles the situation where some links for the
off-line version will have to send you out onto the web.
- StandardGenerator.py -- not really used
anywhere but provides a fallback when no other generator is
specified. Also, it shows you how simple a generator can be.